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Friday, April 1, 2016


photo credit images.watoday.com
Indiscipline is the inadequacy of self control. This indiscipline is like a canker worm which has eaten deep into the fabrics of the society.If not  how can a teacher discipline a child and the child’s parents goes extra miles to make sure the teacher is dealt with in the society.
 This indiscipline is sown at home, watered in the school, and harvested by the society.
HOW INDISCIPLINE IS SOWN AT HOME : parents are of great influence to their children, in most cases these kids imitate their parents life style instead of emulating the good character. Remember the bible said train up a child in a way that when he grow he wont depart from it.But parents of nowadays exhibit all sort of bad behaviors like fighting,lying on phones,drunkenness etc in the presence of their children forgetting that these children don’t have an eject button.On the strength of this they don’t have the power to discipline their children when they begin  to exhibit similar behavior.
 More so they have little or no time for their kids, most of them are been taken care of by their house help, Drivers, & Relatives, who can be easily bribed by the kids in other to have their way. Most times these children turn out to be truants because they are not well guided. These parents buy expensive gifts for their children to make up for their short comings in pretense that they love their children
They are not always there to monitor the kind of movie their children watch in order to check the sexual perversions.
When these corrupt children mix up with decent ones , they tend to influence them negatively, these children can have immoral discussions from what they watch at home, some of them go as far as practicing and teaching others. Their teachers are either bribed with little tips from parents or intimidated by the school management with unnecessary queries when they open up to comment on the child’s behavior due to the parents influence in the society.
   On the other hand the school management has turn schools to business, their main interest now is to pull crowd and  make money, there by not imputing the discipline these children require. Imagine a situation where a student bring bad attitude from home and the school is suppose to change that , but due to the fear of loosing the student they will lower the school standards just to be able to condone the child's behavior .what prevents the school management from suspending a child that violate the school rules and regulations? They forget that schools are set up to mould lives and not destroy them.
           factors that actually make school management in effective
  •         Bridge of information : sometimes the authorized people don’t communicate the real situation of things to the management, they paint the picture that all is well, and the management believes
  •   undisciplined teachers:often times teachers become unprofessional by using students to sabotage their fellow staff
  •       Parental influence: most parents because of the position they occupy in the society the school management finds it difficult to discipline the child. Even when the child failed woefully and is suppose to repeat a class he or she is been pushed to the next class.
  • ·       The economy : the economy is so bad that the management will do anything in their power to retain their students and keep the money flowing. For instance when the second term result of a particular school I know was generally poor the school management had to adjust the school grading system just to present to parents the result they want to see. To me that’s the highest level of deception.

INDISCIPLINE BEEN HARVESTED IN THE SOCIETY: its harvested by the society when these children are finally sent to the labor market . remember what you have is what you can give out. 
What qualities are these children made up of? 
Are they productive? 
Can they stand the taste of time?
The answer is NO. these are are the reason why the society today is facing some serious challenge on how to revive the discipline in our private schools and society as a whole.
For us to bring discipline back to our schools  all hands must be on deck  to fight the war against indiscipline by making sure that

  •         Parents carry out their duties at home effectively.
  •        The school should maintain their standards by carrying out their duties as they promised the parents irrespective of their social status.
  •         The teachers should be strict and stop soiling their hands with bribe from parents to promote students unnecessarily
  •        Examination standard and grading system must be maintained by school management in other to produce viable students  in the society.
  •         If these students are well grounded and projected to rule the world, I believe that immoral act like boko haram, corruption, indiscipline, robbery etc will be eliminated in the society .this is because if the least to the highest class in the society is disciplined it will restore discipline to our  schools.

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