A lady was being rushed to d hospital few days ago,according to the police report the it was assumed that the lady must have been rape and dump at the bus station .
Although she was unable to remember the event of the previous evening when she regained consciousness , the medical test result proved she was raped and traces of FLUNITRAZEPM (Rohypnol) was also discovered in the blood and urine test.
FLUNITRAZEPM(ROHYPNOL) is a products of BENZODIAZEPINE . BENZODIAZEPINE is an organic chemical substance made of two carbon rings these benzodiazepin can be used as drugs that increases the effect of the neuro transmitter G.A.B.A. The resulting drugs has sadative effect .
It was first discoved by Loe Sternbach accidentally in 1955 and was made available in 1960
by Rocha health care and pharmaceutical company headed by Hoffman-La-Rocha who named the drug after the branch name ROHYPNOL .
Rohypnol now known as the date rape drug is been sold commercially in the united states is right now pushing its way into Nigeria whereby increasing the rate of rape crime and the women in danger.
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