- A new born baby sleeps for 18-20 hours a day, and they wake up every 2-3hours when they are hungry.
- Hiccups are usually caused by not digesting food properly.
- the medical name for your breast bone is called sternum ie the flat bone you can feel in the middle of your chest.
- we get goose pimples because the little muscles raise the hair on your skin producing little bumps or pimples when you are cold your skin does this to try and thicken your covering of hair to keep you warm. they are called goose pimples because they make the skin look like that of a plucked goose.
- Nails grow at a rate of about 2 to 5cm a year.
- Your hair grows at the rate of about 15 centimeters a year.if you do not cut your hair, it usually grows to about your waist but not much longer.
- there are between 100,000 and 200,000 hairs on your head,and the shape of your follicle makes your hair curly, wavy or straight.
- the hair turns grey and white as people get old because the amount of melanin in their body reduces as they get older and melanin supply stops at some points,mostly when the person gets too old and there by making the whole hair white.
- most peoples heart beats at about the rate of 70beats per minute, and your heart probably beats about 3000 million times during your whole life.
- we blink to keep the eye clean because each time your eyelid close they wipe a layer of water over the surface, this clears away any dust on the eyeballs
- if you are sitting down you breath in and out about twenty times every minute.that's more than one million times in a year.
- when you yawn you open your mouth and gulp quite a lot of air.this helps to refresh you,and may stop you from sleeping off if you are not ready to sleep.
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