1.1 Seed Capital The Fund shall have a take-off seed capital of N220billion.
1.2 Objective The broad objective of the Fund is to channel low interest funds to the MSME sub-sector of the Nigerian economy through PFIs to:
Enhance access by MSMEs to financial services
Increase productivity and output of microenterprises
Increase employment and create wealth
Engender inclusive growth
1.3 Components of the Fund The Fund shall have Commercial and Developmental components.
1.4 Commercial Component The Commercial Component shall constitute 90 per cent of the Fund which shall be disbursed in the form of Wholesale Funding to PFIs in the following ratio:
60% of the Fund: Women
40% of the Fund: Others Objectives of Wholesale Funding are to:
a) Provide facilities to qualified and eligible PFIs for onlending to MSMEs
b) Improve the capacity of the PFIs to meet credit needs of MSMEs
c) Reduce the cost of funds of the PFIs and ensure that this translates into reduced borrowing costs for the borrowers.
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